EMOM Workouts: An Explosive Hack for Power Endurance – Garage Strength

EMOM Workouts: An Explosive Hack for Power Endurance

EMOM Workouts: An Explosive Hack for Power Endurance

At Garage Strength, we train some of the most explosive athletes in the entire world. We train international-level weightlifters, world-class wrestlers, Olympic-level throwers, and some of the best football players in the country. Our training of explosiveness means that when the athletes are developing power is that they can generate a large amount of power in a short amount of time.

Power is usually identified as the speed with strength. I believe that the word power in the world of sports performance should be replaced with the term impulse. Impulse means the amount of force applied in a given time. During an identified time there is an amount of force produced. The more impulse an athlete has the better they will be able to coordinate in play.

The downfall of many power athletes is that they lack impulse endurance. Power athletes may be able to apply a large impulse for 2 to 4 reps but then that percentage of impulse begins to die off drastically because of a lack of impulse endurance. 

Let's take an athlete who applies a large amount of force. For simplicity's sake, we will use an athlete who produces 100 lbs of force for the first 2 reps but by the 3rd or 4th rep they are only applying 60 lbs or 40 lbs of force. In our verbiage, we call this an impulse deficit. An impulse deficit can lead to poor performance. An impulse deficit can also lead to injuries because athletes are unable to reproduce the impulse they generate on previous reps.

That is where On The Minute (OTM) training comes into play, leading to an impulse improvement. Not only does the OTM cheat code improve impulse endurance (the ability to have a larger amount of impulse over a long period) but will also help with scenarios of acute impulse. Acute impulse is a one-off instance in athletic performance. Athletes who use OTM training, specifically with technical coordination movements, will be able to have a greater level of impulse.      

OTM Technical Coordination Movements

OTM technical coordination works with the athlete hitting a technical coordination movement, like a power clean, squat clean, snatch, or 3-block snatch (the technical coordination movements and reps can vary based on the impulse modality being targeted). The athlete hits the technical coordination movement and then the coach (or friend or the athlete) hits the timer. The timer then counts for 60 seconds. Once the timer hits zero, the athlete performs the programmed technical coordination movement again. The timer is not counting while the technical coordination movement is being performed, only during the 60-second rest.

EMOM Workouts

OTM drills are perfect for technical coordination movements: snatch, cleans, power cleans, box cleans, box snatches, behind-the-neck push presses, push jerks, and behind-the-neck jerks. OTM training can also be done with low volume, easier plyometrics. Exercises like bunny hops or stair jumps are something that doesn’t lead to a large amount of force on the joints and are pretty easy to execute. Another great way to use OTM drills is with dynamic absolute strength exercises. Movements like banded pulls, unbroken back squats, and unbroken pad benches are all great examples of dynamic absolute strength exercises that work well with OTM drills.

I like to use OTM drills during the Ascension phase and Comprehension phase of Parabolic Periodization. The Comprehension phase is where the volume is higher, so we might program eight doubles (8x2) for OTM lifts. In the Ascension phase, the volume lessens, so we might do ten singles (10x1) for OTM lifts. OTM training helps with overall coordination, helps athletes get in the zone, and in a rhythm, and athletes will not be able to talk as much because they will focus on their rest period.

Think Of It As A Lengthened Cluster Set

In a cluster set, you might do two to four reps with thirty seconds of rest over what is typically a five-minute time frame. With OTM training, we are looking to do 1 to 2 reps, sometimes 3, with sixty seconds rest over ten to fifteen minutes.

The big improvement is that the athlete cuts out their brain. They stop thinking about technique and let their body take over. The movement becomes automatic. It completely minimizes distractions. One of the best things I’ve done with football players in a massive group setting has them do OTM drills over 13 platforms; every athlete moves smoothly. No one has time to talk and everything moves smoothly.

Rhythmic Feel

OTM training does a great job of establishing a unique, rhythmic feel. That feeling is perfect for throwers and weightlifters 6 to 8 weeks out from a peak trying to dial in technique. OTM training is also perfect for football players in a large group trying to get the hype train of the team hitting big lifts; it can create infectious energy where big lifts will occur.

The body learns how to coordinate very effectively under a long period of fatigue during OTM training. Imagine hitting the technical coordination movements on minutes 11, 12, 13, and so on. The athlete learns how to coordinate effectively under fatigue. The athlete will feel this greater impulse endurance pay dividends late in the competition. Not only does OTM training help with coordination under fatigue, but it will also lead to greater impulse when not fatigued, making them more dominant at the beginning of the competition. 


Various sports can use OTM drills to improve impulse. Not only will athletes’ impulses improve, but OTM drills will lessen the impulse deficit later in the competition. OTM drills, especially with technical coordination movements go a long way in turning athletes into freaks who are cultivating their power.  

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