Three Snatch Variations to Improve Back Strength and Feel the Knees Ba – Garage Strength

Three Snatch Variations to Improve Back Strength and Feel the Knees Back

Three Snatch Variations to Improve Back Strength and Feel the Knees Back

  1. Pause Below the Knee Snatch:

The pause below the knee snatch is very good for back strength and getting the knees back if executed properly. This movement needs to have a 1-3 second pause. The chest has to stay over the bar and the hamstrings really have to load. This movement makes you have a big upper body finish and teaches you how to hit proper positions in the snatch.

      2. Slow Snatch:

The slow snatch is a movement we introduced about a year ago. The slow snatch is a slow pull all the way to the finish. These are great for feeling the knees back because you can really focus on it when going slow. This will strengthen the lower back significantly because it is a longer movement.

      3. Low Hang Snatch:

Low hang snatch is one of my favorites for loading the hamstrings and getting the knees back. This movement forces you to keep your chest over the bar and really feel the hamstring load. This is will also make you engage your lower back more and strengthen it a lot faster than a traditional snatch.

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