Three Lessons from Training at Garage Strength

Three Lessons from Training at Garage Strength

1. Team Chemistry is Key

One thing I’m very happy about is how well our post-collegiate throws group gelled this year. It’s nice to have a group of like-minded individuals who aren’t just like-minded in terms of training. We can all come together and have a good time without even thinking about our training. That is absolutely huge, and I don’t think any of us discounts that. It’s always good to be in an environment you can feel comfortable in, and when we can all drive 11 hours from PA to Michigan and not hate each other by the end, that’s a pretty good sign. I guess the overarching lesson here is be mindful of who you train with. If you start training with someone but you don’t quite work together very well, things probably aren’t going to get any easier. A lack of chemistry can lead to distractions and that’s not helpful for anyone. Training partners are very helpful to have, but not at the expense of your sanity!

2. Just Do the Work

This point is probably one of the core parts of the Garage Strength ethos. And, as luck would have it, a perfect example of this fell into my lap just now. As I sat writing this, the power in the gym completely shut off. No lights in the main room, no music, and no fans on a 90 degree day. As shocking as that was, I was more impressed with the reactions of the various athletes in the gym. No one missed a beat or batted an eye. Everyone kept working through their training, hitting lifts and taking coaching. That’s what you’d want from athletes, and I think this whole episode shows why Garage Strength boasts some of the best athletes in the country. No matter what the scenario, we have people who come in and just do the work. No excuses are made, because people who make excuses tend not to last long in places like GS.

3. Communicate! 

To be clear, this pertains to the coach-athlete relationship, but probably should be carried to other areas of one’s life. As a training group, we frequently discuss things that could be improved on all sides, and communication always comes up. Being open and frank with your coach (or your athletes) should only make everyone operate better. If one or both parties don’t know clearly know the end goals of a training cycle or meet, then nothing is going to go very smoothly. Even discussing a program after it’s been written can help clarify why certain movements or rep schemes were chosen. Obviously, athletes shouldn’t try to talk themselves out of everything, but a certain amount of flexibility can help improve the likelihood of success. So don’t be afraid to speak up!

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