Single Leg Squat Stand
Single Leg Squat Stand
Athlete Tested
Optimized for height and strength

Heavy Duty Pad
Made for comfort and durability

No Slip Feet
Rubber feet usable on any surface

Height: 16.5 inches
Width: 22 inches
Length: 32 inches
Roller Diameter: 7.5 inches
The roller is made out of heavy duty foam and wrapped in leather
The frame is made out of 2 inch steel tubing
Some assembly required
Customer Reviews

Built like a tank
This thing is super solid! I have used it several times now and I already love it and hate it. I am finally back to walking normally now, so that’s a plus.
Built like a tank
I have had this bad boy for only 24hours and I already cannot walk properly now. Everything below the waist hurts. It did exactly what I was hoping. It is built to last for eternity. Definitely worth it.


Great training tool.
I am a 53 y/o orthopedic surgeon who uses the single leg squat stand and programs training for my 4 sons along with some of their friends- athletes who play youth / acha hockey and d3 golf. We transitioned from the weight bench using a safety squat bar to improve bracing and balance. There was an adjustment to feel but noticeably better for neural drive and stability while off loading the excessive dorsiflexion on the rear foot. It was easy to assemble and fabricated with quality material. While we don't train as heavy as the athletes at Garage Strength - max single leg squat = 260 lbs for 3 reps/side -, it has been used by multiple people consistently the past 9 months and still looks new. Highly recommend and worth the price.
Garage Strength Performance Training
Edward, we thank you for your continued support. Your devotion towards Garage Strength is commemorative! Keep up the great training!