Quality Workouts - Short on Time
I like to train in Olympic Weightlifting, a sport that takes a high amount of precision and practice with technique. It also requires takes repetition to improve performance and numbers on the platform. There are two lifts in olympic weightlifting, the snatch and the clean and jerk. The best weightlifters train 15 to 20 hours in the gym working technical and strength movements to improve their lifts. At best, I have 10 hours per week to train, and yet I have still managed to improve my lifts with limited training time. Olympic lifting is my hobby, I am also a mom, a gym owner, and a business professional. The following are some ways to balance work/home/fitness life when I am being pulled in many different directions.
No Excuses
If it seems impossible to find the time to train, you are not looking hard enough. Of course, something has to give. My house is never clean, because I would rather get in a workout. Dinner is sometimes a rush of leftovers, or not as healthy as I would like. The kids might need to get some screen time if mom’s workout is a priority. But the time is there if you look hard enough, and a few hours a week is better than nothing.
Ignore the Scoffers
You might need to develop a thicker skin. You are not selfish for prioritizing your workout over anything else. My children and my work receive more of my focused attention when I plan time for each part of my life that needs attention. Be confident that you are making the right choice for yourself, your family, your body and your life.
Take any time you get
Wake up at 5 a.m. and get in a quick workout before everyone gets up. My sister-in-law was up at the crack of dawn for two years working a high powered government job. She also changed her life and lost 100+ pounds. If you have the luxury of a home gym, or one that is close by, you may have time to work out and make the school run if you choose an early start time.
Try to make time for at least one longer workout per week (90 minutes). This allows time for a proper warm-up and an attempt at heavier weights. On other days when there is only 30-40 minutes, do supplementary exercises or strength movements. Take whatever time you get. If you only have 30 minutes, then hop on a rower and start moving. If you sit around thinking that 30 minutes isn't enough time to work out, then you are going to be down to 20 minutes and talk yourself out of a workout!
Excellent article!